In the era of the Internet and social networks, online applications have become an inseparable part of our daily lives. In Albania, as in any other country in the world, online applications have found wide reach among a significant majority of the population who use them as a way to facilitate receiving services, mainly through loyalty programs. In this case, a model of success is "Happy Mobile App", the online application of the Happy card that helps its members to get to know in real time a variety of benefits from partner stores, as well as to have full control over their account. The Happy card with its online application marks an absolute innovation in the Albanian market as the only multi-brand scheme, which offers multiple benefits to loyal members, remaining a market leader for four years with a wide range of services. What started as an innovative program designed to reward customers for their loyalty to partner brands has grown into a must-have app for nearly 480,000 members who have opted in to receive a variety of benefits from the purchases they make. Each purchase in these stores is registered in the system with a certain amount of points, and their accumulation after purchases is reflected in price reductions, coupons and favorable bonuses on various products. The new Happy application has experienced a 33% increase in users, showing how much loved and needed this application is becoming for citizens who want to receive the best services on the market from partners who share the same vision as Happy.
Aplikacioni i ri Happy ka pësuar një rritje me 33% të përdoruesve, duke treguar sa shumë i dashur dhe i nevojshëm po bëhet ky aplikacion për qytetarët të cilët duan të marrin shërbimet më të mira në treg nga partnerët që ndajnë të njëjtin vizion si Happy. Klienti është qendra e vëmendjes në aplikacionin e Happy, i krijuar për të “shërbyer” me pasion dhe profesionalizëm ndaj qytetarëve, ku secili mund të bëhet pjesë përmes shkarkimit të aplikacionit ose krijimit të një llogarie online në Shkarko “Happy Loyalty Program” në Play Store Shkarko “Happy Loyalty Program” në App Store Partnerët “besnikë” Programi “Happy” përfshin gamën e dyqaneve më të frekuentuara në vend si rrjeti i supermarketeve SPAR, elektroshtëpiaket NEPTUN, shërbimet e Digicom, kompania lider në tregtimin e lodrave për fëmijë dhe artikujve sportivë JUMBO, veshjet dhe aksesorët e Fashion Group Albania me brandet e njohura: Mango, Aldo, Prenatal, Geox, Cortefiel, Carpisa, Parfois, Okaidi, Springfield dhe Women’Secret. Por ka ende për të shtuar pasi Happy është siguruar që programi të ofrojë zgjidhje efikase edhe në kryerjen e pagesave, pasi në partneritet me Tirana Bank, përfitimet e Happy përfshihen edhe me produktin e përbashkët Kartë Krediti Visa, ku ofrohen lehtësi financimi përmes një limiti kredie. Duke përdorur këtë kartë të dedikuar krediti, qytetarët përfitojnë dyfish pikë për çdo blerje në dyqanet partnere, kupon ekstra, mundësi pagese me këste me komision 0% ne periudhën 2-12 muaj, oferta të personalizuara për blerjet dhe pikë bonus, të cilat mund të shpenzohen sipas dëshirës në dyqanet partnere. Gjithashtu, Happy numëron mbi 20 partnerë në industri të ndryshme si agjenci udhëtimesh, restorante, apo farmaci ku me anë të pikëve të mbledhura mund të përfitoni kupona zbritje apo oferta të shumëllojshme për shërbimet që merrni. Biznesi juaj si partner i Happy dhe “2nd Loyalty Summit” Arsyeja pse Happy cilësohet si unik për tregun shqiptar është se i kushton një vëmendje të veçantë përzgjedhjeve të çdo klienti, në të njëjtën kohë duke i kushtuar rëndësi partnerëve të tij. Në aktivitetin e përvitshëm, Happy sjell përfitime dhe për kompanitë të cilat ndajnë të njëjtin vizion dhe kanë qëllime të përbashkëta me të. Me një numër të lartë klientësh në pak kohë dhe objektiva afatgjata, Happy ndihmon kompanitë të maksimalizojnë vlerën e biznesit dhe të zgjerojnë qëllimet e tyre. Një paketë e plotë shërbimesh 360° pëmbush të gjitha nevojat e biznesit duke përfituar nga shumë vite përvojë me klientë në industri të ndryshme. Për të rritur përfitimet e anëtarëve të tij, Happy është i hapur të bashkëpunojë me çdo biznes dhe dyqan që dëshiron t’i shërbejë komunitetit të mbi 480 mijë anëtarëve, blerës të rregullt në dyqanet partnere të tij. Për më shumë detaje rreth eksperiencës të shkurtër por të sukseshme të Happy në tregun shqiptar, kompania fton të gjithë bizneset që duan të zgjerojnë aktivitetin e tyre dhe të arrijnë një audiencë më të gjerë klientësh në “2nd Loyalty Summit”, një event networking ku mund të njihen më mirë me çdo shërbim që ky program ofron për biznese të industrive të ndryshme. Loyal Summit do të mbahet më 7 qershor në oren 10:30 te Someetings, AirAlbania Stadium ku çdo individ apo person mund të marrë pjesë për të zbuluar mundësi të reja bashkëpunimi me fitime afatgjata. Happy as an ideal business partner, more than 480 thousand members and 30 satisfied partners In the era of the Internet and social networks, online applications have become an inseparable part of our daily lives. In Albania, as in any other country in the world, online applications have found wide reach among a significant majority of the population who use them as a way to facilitate receiving services, mainly through loyalty programs. In this case, a model of success is "Happy Mobile App", the online application of the Happy card that helps its members to get to know in real time a variety of benefits from partner stores, as well as to have full control over their account. The Happy card with its online application marks an absolute innovation in the Albanian market as the only multi-brand scheme, which offers multiple benefits to loyal members, remaining a market leader for four years with a wide range of services. What started as an innovative program designed to reward customers for their loyalty to partner brands has grown into a must-have app for nearly 480,000 members who have opted in to receive a variety of benefits from the purchases they make. Each purchase in these stores is registered in the system with a certain amount of points, and their accumulation after purchases is reflected in price reductions, coupons and favorable bonuses on various products. The new Happy application has experienced a 33% increase in users, showing how much loved and needed this application is becoming for citizens who want to receive the best services on the market from partners who share the same vision as Happy. The customer is the center of attention in Happy's application, created to "serve" citizens with passion and professionalism, where everyone can become a part by downloading the application or creating an online account at Download "Happy Loyalty Program" on Play Store Download the "Happy Loyalty Program" in the App Store "Loyal" partners The "Happy" program includes the range of the most frequented stores in the country such as the SPAR supermarket chain, NEPTUN electrical appliances, Digicom services, the leading company in the trade of children's toys and sports items JUMBO, Fashion Group Albania clothing and accessories with well- known brands : Mango, Aldo, Prenatal, Geox, Cortefiel, Carpisa, Parfois, Okaidi, Springfield and Women'Secret. But there is still more to add as Happy has ensured that the program offers efficient solutions in making payments, as in partnership with Tirana Bank, the benefits of Happy are also included with the joint Visa Credit Card product, where financing facilities are offered through a credit limit. By using this dedicated credit card, citizens benefit from double points for every purchase in partner stores, extra coupon, possibility to pay in installments with 0% commission in the period of 2-12 months, personalized offers for purchases and bonus points, which can be spent as desired in partner stores. Also, Happy counts over 20 partners in various industries such as travel agencies, restaurants, or pharmacies where by means of collected points you can benefit from discount coupons or various offers for the services you receive. Your business as a partner of Happy and "2nd Loyalty Summit" The reason why Happy is considered unique for the Albanian market is that it pays special attention to the selections of each customer, at the same time giving importance to its partners. In the annual event, Happy brings benefits to companies that share the same vision and have common goals with him. With a high number of customers in a short time and long-term goals, Happy helps companies maximize business value and expand their goals. A complete 360° service package meets all business needs benefiting from many years of experience with clients in various industries. To increase the benefits of its members, Happy is open to cooperate with any business and store that wants to serve the community of over 480 thousand, regular shoppers in its partner stores. For more details about Happy's short but successful experience in the Albanian market, the company invites all businesses that want to expand their activity and reach a wider
"2nd Loyalty Summit", a networking event where to become better acquainted with every service that this program offers to businesses of various industries. Loyal Summit will be held on June 7 at 10:30 at Someetings, AirAlbania Stadium, where any individual or person can participate to discover new cooperation opportunities with long-term profits.